What we believe and preach at King James Bible Baptist Church
We, the members of this assembly, are organized, as a local New Testament Baptist Church, in accordance with God’s word for worship and educational purposes, including, but not limited to, establishing and maintaining regular worship services, the planting, building, maintaining and operating of Churches, parsonages, schools, chapels, radio and television outreaches, rescue missions, print shops, camps, nursing homes, cemeteries and any other ministries that the church may be lead of God to establish.
We declare ourselves to be a Bible believing Baptist Church, in agreement with the historical position of Independent Baptist Churches as listed in the following:
1. The pre-eminence of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We submit to no religious organization or individual claiming rule over several churches.
2. The supreme authority of the Authorized King James Bible, and its sufficiency in all rules of faith and practice.
3. The right of the individual soul to approach God, and to interpret the word of God according to the leadership of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
4. The absolute separation of Church and State, but obeying magistrates and governors in all secular matters that do not negate Scriptural Christian responsibilities.
5. A regenerated church membership, based upon faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
6. The beautiful, symbolic ordinance, of believers' immersion in water as a figure of the salvation experience, the testimony of dying to self and the world.
7. The complete autonomy of the local congregation, and its interdependence in fellowship with other Baptist churches of like faith.
8. The Pre- millennial, Pre-tribulation, return of Jesus Christ to receive his Bride, the Church, and to establish his 1,000 year kingdom reign on this earth. Immediately following the 2nd Advent.
9. A world-wide program of missionary evangelism in accordance with New Testament doctrine.
We declare ourselves to be a Bible believing Baptist Church, in agreement with the historical position of Independent Baptist Churches as listed in the following:
1. The pre-eminence of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We submit to no religious organization or individual claiming rule over several churches.
2. The supreme authority of the Authorized King James Bible, and its sufficiency in all rules of faith and practice.
3. The right of the individual soul to approach God, and to interpret the word of God according to the leadership of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
4. The absolute separation of Church and State, but obeying magistrates and governors in all secular matters that do not negate Scriptural Christian responsibilities.
5. A regenerated church membership, based upon faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
6. The beautiful, symbolic ordinance, of believers' immersion in water as a figure of the salvation experience, the testimony of dying to self and the world.
7. The complete autonomy of the local congregation, and its interdependence in fellowship with other Baptist churches of like faith.
8. The Pre- millennial, Pre-tribulation, return of Jesus Christ to receive his Bride, the Church, and to establish his 1,000 year kingdom reign on this earth. Immediately following the 2nd Advent.
9. A world-wide program of missionary evangelism in accordance with New Testament doctrine.